Displaying 81 - 90 of 107

Tool designed to enable organizations to identify the areas requiring further development and training.; Academy for Educational Development - Croatia; 2003

Project Design and Proposal Guidance for CRS Project and Program Managers

Matrix with tasks and responsible party

eNewsletter define el término “Personal clave” y cómo cambiar a los empleados que están designados como tales.

Sample Employee Agreement covering salary and human resource issues (such as annual/sick leave, allowances, etc.).

AED's Employee Appraisal Report, which establishes an employee's job responsibilities, clarifies employer's expectations, opens a dialogue between employee and employer, and sets certain specific actions to appraise an employee's performance.

Provides a guide to the responsibilities of the employer, organization and the employee. It is a basic document guiding employer-employee relations, to be used in conjunction with specific job descriptions, individual contracts and other written documents and policies.