Displaying 11 - 20 of 100

This facilitators guide is for the Civic IDEA Investigate activity WordCounter. WordCounter invites participants to build their data literacy skills by finding and visualizing a story abo

This facilitators guide is for the Civic IDEA Deliberate activity Deciders and Deliberators. This activity invites @Stake players to create new personas for gameplay.

This facilitators guide is for the Civic IDEA Deliberate activity Stakeholder Persona Expansion. The @Stake persona expansion activity invites players to expand on the backstories of players w

This facilitators guide is for the Civic Idea Deliberate activity Deciders and Deliberators.

This facilitators guide is for the Civic IDEA Advocate activity Hashtag You're It. Hashtag You’re It is a social media-based bluffing game where participants read real tweets with hidden