Displaying 71 - 80 of 90

Describes small group exercise on Organizational Development.

Toolkit to help organizers prepare for workshops/conferences.; This toolkit includes lists of activities and practical advice to help NGOs organize and run workshops and conferences. Templates are also included. Chapters include:A. Pre-workshop/conference B. During the workshop/conference C. Post-workshop/conference

Tool designed to enable organizations to identify the areas requiring further development and training.; Academy for Educational Development - Croatia; 2003

Civicus toolkit on how organizations can produce their own media; Karen Hurt; Toolkit

Project Design and Proposal Guidance for CRS Project and Program Managers

Matrix with tasks and responsible party

Civicus toolkit on how organizaitons can promote themselves; Karen Hurt; Toolkit

A facilitator's guide to partnership dialogue; This manual is a guide to facilitating constructive discussion and dialogue with partners. It is based on the idea that partnership is a process and an ongoing journey. Rather than a set of tools to apply to partners, this manual lays out a process for CRS and partners to jointly explore challenges faced. It contains sessions that are intended to be creative, forward thinking, honest and fun and help guide you through a process of tackling some possibilities and challenges of partnership. It gives suggestions for participatory designs for use in any workshop context and ideas for using sessions in a variety of applications. Facilitation notes, handouts and flip chart content are included with each session design.