Displaying 51 - 60 of 159

Conceptual framework of CDD, presentation of CDD projects, and assessment of impact.; Arne Strand, Hege Toje, Alf Morten Jerve, and Ingrid Samset; 2003

Notebook provides an overview of CBO management, including comprehensive definitions of what CBOs are and key areas of CBOs that need to be effectively managed, such as tasks, time, meetings, human resources, employee performance, etc.

Participation in post-conflict environments in Timor-Leste and Rwanda; Sarah Cliffe, Scott Guggenheim, and Markus Kostner; 2003

Tomando como base un enfoque de capacitación participativa, este manual introduce los principios fundamentales de la defensa y promoción en el formato de un diseño de taller de tres días.

NPI Close Out Meeting Session Three Handout on End of Funding Coverage

NPI Close Out Meeting Session Three Handout on Employment Termination Checklist for Organizations

NPI Close Out Meeting Session Three Handout on Employment Exit Checklist for Outgoing Employees