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Manual to support peacebuilding and reconciliation; The manual aims to provide Caritas Internationales workers, and other NGO workers, with flexible training suggestions and materials to support and enhance their efforts in peacebuilding and reconciliation. It is designed for both trainers and novices. More specifically, the manual goals are to: Provide ideas and resources for effective peacebuilding trainers; Provide interactive materials that cover the basic conceptual dimensions of peacebuilding; Provide training modules that identify and enhance skills needed for peacebuilding and reconciliation work; Provide trainers with flexible options that allow them to tailor training to fit participants' needs and their local context.

Ce manuel est un guide de formation conçu pour familiariser les responsables de programme avec les concepts et les techniques clés de plaidoyer. Il suggère un cadre de travail pour l’identification des objectifs en matière de politiques, créer un plan d’action et argumenter votre cause de façon efficace pour le changement.; CARE

Toolkit on planning for an organization or project; Janet Shapiro; Toolkit

Describes small group exercise on Organizational Development.

Toolkit to help organizers prepare for workshops/conferences.; This toolkit includes lists of activities and practical advice to help NGOs organize and run workshops and conferences. Templates are also included. Chapters include:A. Pre-workshop/conference B. During the workshop/conference C. Post-workshop/conference

Tool designed to enable organizations to identify the areas requiring further development and training.; Academy for Educational Development - Croatia; 2003

Project Design and Proposal Guidance for CRS Project and Program Managers