Displaying 61 - 70 of 71

Tool designed to enable organizations to identify the areas requiring further development and training.; Academy for Educational Development - Croatia; 2003

Project Design and Proposal Guidance for CRS Project and Program Managers

Matrix with tasks and responsible party

Document clarifies the meaning of the right to water, presents approaches on how right to water can be implemented in developing and developed countries, and identifies key factors for effective implementation of the right to water.

Paper examines different ""types"" of sanitation, the elements of a sanitation system, the different stakeholders involved and approaches to technology choice.

Document aims is to help civil society organizations build their capacity through better writing.

Toolkit describes tools you need to begin writing a proposal.

Briefing Paper outlines different types of learning and describes some of the barriers to organizational learning that many NGOs face.

Training manual provides guidelines for effectively recruiting, training and managing volunteers.