Displaying 21 - 30 of 35

NPI Global Close Out Meeting Session Six Handout on Checklist for Closing Out an Office Administratively

Template for outlining the basic information about your organization and your award.

Memory Box Program: Training with Children Manual from Additional Resources from the NPI Round 1 & 2 SOTA

Report provides policymakers and other actors tackling the HIV/AIDS epidemic with an overview of the issues identified by older people and OVC, recommendations and examples from successful community-based programs that are improving the lives of older people and OVC.

Document provides practical guidance for programs aimed at addressing the needs of children affected by HIV/AIDS. It provides key definitions, guiding principles and important considerations for programming decisions and further clarifies PEPFAR priorities and the activities that it will fund related to orphans and vulnerable children.

How to write a memo justifying the selection of supplies or services to be subcontracted, includes template.

Handout on a sample timeline for Closing Out a USG Program