Displaying 1 - 10 of 16

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on the solicitation and selection processes for procurement.

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on vehicle procurement.

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on source and vendor restrictions, geographic codes and waivers for procurement. 

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on restricted and ineligible items for procurement.

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on procurement processes and cost allowability. 

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners giving an overview of procurement policies. 

Report analyzes conflict potential in Central Asia and advocates a new strategy for peacebuilding in the region.

Conceptual framework of CDD, presentation of CDD projects, and assessment of impact.; Arne Strand, Hege Toje, Alf Morten Jerve, and Ingrid Samset; 2003

Participation in post-conflict environments in Timor-Leste and Rwanda; Sarah Cliffe, Scott Guggenheim, and Markus Kostner; 2003

Document is a planning and management tool that can assist development and humanitarian organizations in analyzing situations of (potential) conflict and identifying strategic opportunities for conflict prevention and peace-building.