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The Media Sustainability Essentials guide helps media managers identify and choose the most relevant business models and practices that fit with their  missions and operating conditions.

This collection of Implementation Tips for USAID Partners brings together 68 articles to support new partners, especially those who have little or no experience with USAID.

You have received funding for a new project, designed your project’s logical framework, and developed a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan.

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on how you can use evidence to inform all stages of the project cycle. 

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on the solicitation and selection processes for procurement.

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on vehicle procurement.

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on source and vendor restrictions, geographic codes and waivers for procurement. 

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on restricted and ineligible items for procurement.

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on procurement processes and cost allowability. 

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners giving an overview of procurement policies.