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Study by McKinsey & Company on Capacity-Building, including case studies, lessons learned, and an assessment tool.; McKinsey & Company; 2001; Study and Assessment Tool

A Final Report Template provided by NPI

eNewsletter describe las responsabilidades adicionales para las organizaciones religiosas sin fines de lucro que trabajan con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos.

A eNewsletter descreve as etapas a seguir no encerramento das adjudicações e apresenta um cronograma que abrange as tarefas de encerramento a realizar nos 12 meses finais do seu projecto.

Report provides policymakers and other actors tackling the HIV/AIDS epidemic with an overview of the issues identified by older people and OVC, recommendations and examples from successful community-based programs that are improving the lives of older people and OVC.

Ce numéro d’eNews décrit la marche à suivre pour clôturer un projet et propose un échéancier des tâches à effectuer pendant les 12 derniers mois du projet.

Un document d’information à l’intention des individus et des organismes qui veulent créer, renforcer ou maintenir un réseau de lutte contre le sida.; Rédaction : Bruce Waring, coordonnateur de la Coalition interagence sida et développement (CISD), avec la collaboration de Yolanta Cwik et de Richard Burzynski; 2002

Sourcebook from the UK's Department for International Development (DFID) on institutional and organizational development; David Wilson and Lindsay Beaton; Sourcebook

Organizational Effectiveness Series; This manual gives learners new insight and specific tools to lead their organizations more effectively and develop better relations with employees and partners.Unit 1: Overview of Leadership Unit 2: Leadership Is Influence Unit 3: Personal Styles Unit 4: Styles Flexibility Unit 5: Leadership Styles Unit 6: Creating Empowering Climates Unit 7: Creating a Vision