Displaying 31 - 40 of 80

Participation in post-conflict environments in Timor-Leste and Rwanda; Sarah Cliffe, Scott Guggenheim, and Markus Kostner; 2003

Study by McKinsey & Company on Capacity-Building, including case studies, lessons learned, and an assessment tool.; McKinsey & Company; 2001; Study and Assessment Tool

Document is a planning and management tool that can assist development and humanitarian organizations in analyzing situations of (potential) conflict and identifying strategic opportunities for conflict prevention and peace-building.

Document describes a joint USAID-PVO conference called Dialogue on Working in Conflict, in which USAID and PVO representatives discussed how to help the U.S. humanitarian and development communities be more effective in working in conflict settings.

Working paper on conducting monitoring and evaluation in refugee-related situations.; Georg Frerks and Dorothea Hilhorst

A Final Report Template provided by NPI

eNewsletter describe las responsabilidades adicionales para las organizaciones religiosas sin fines de lucro que trabajan con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos.

Analysis of the peace building potential of faith-based organizations.; Tsjeard Bouta, S. Ayse Kadayifci-Orellana, Mohammed Abu-Nimer; 2005