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Table lists commonly used terms for results statements used by different donor agencies and development organizations.

Conceptual framework of CDD, presentation of CDD projects, and assessment of impact.; Arne Strand, Hege Toje, Alf Morten Jerve, and Ingrid Samset; 2003

Participation in post-conflict environments in Timor-Leste and Rwanda; Sarah Cliffe, Scott Guggenheim, and Markus Kostner; 2003

Document describes Standard Form-269 and Standard Form-270 on financial reporting and explains how to fill them out – FRANÇAIS.

Tabela para listar indicadores e seu critério – PORTUGUÊS.

Tomando como base un enfoque de capacitación participativa, este manual introduce los principios fundamentales de la defensa y promoción en el formato de un diseño de taller de tres días.

Sample delegated authority document – ENGLISH.

Handout outlines types of expenses (e.g., vendor payment, travel advance, expense report, etc.) and the required documentation a organization needs to process these expenses.

PowerPoint describes the concept of cost-sharing that is often involved in USAID grants and the benefits of creating public private partnerships - ENGLISH.