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Civicus toolkit on handling media; Karen Hurt; Toolkit

Document explores different approaches to the development of the private sector's role in the policy formulation, selection andimplementation process.

A guide for non-governmental organizations and citizens' initiatives.; Academy for Educational Development; 2004

Workbook with worksheets to support collaboration between NGOs and businesses.; This workbook, its companion videotape, and the Drucker Foundation Web site are designed to complement James Austin's The Collaboration Challenge. Together these resources can help your nonprofit organization further its mission through strategic alliances with businesses. These resources can be used, alone or in combination, to encourage your board, volunteers, and staff to consider carefully whether and how to develop alliances with businesses. Here are brief overviews of these resources.The Collaboration Challenge: James Austin's book provides extensive case studies, frameworks, and lessons. It is the primary source for the Drucker Foundation's Meeting the Collaboration Challenge resources. Meeting the Collaboration Challenge Workbook: This workbook provides a step-by-step process for nonprofits to explore and develop alliances with businesses. It is useful both for organizations with limited alliance experience and for organizations that have established alliances. Nonprofit leaders can choose which phases and worksheets are most helpful to their own situation. Additional resources can help leaders explore the topics most important to their work. Meeting the Collaboration Challenge Video: The videotape is a powerful tool that introduces examples of nonprofit business alliances and demonstrates how the ideas presented in the book and workbook are expressed in action. The video illustrates alliances' benefits and challenges as nonprofit and business leaders explain how their partnerships have developed and evolved. Drucker Foundation Web Site: The Web site provides this workbook in a downloadable format and presents additional current resources for meeting the collaboration challenge, including information about related workshops, and how to subscribe to the monthly Meeting the Collaboration Challenge email notice.

Toolbook describes the generic partnering process from inception to conclusion, provides ""stand alone"" tools to enable practitioners to develop effective partnerships and includes information about the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition and food fortification.

Toolkit covers the importance of building relationships with other organizations, the development of networking and the link between successful relationships and strong civil society.

Le volume intitulé Plaidoyer: Développement d’aptitudes pour les dirigeants d’ONG est le neuvième volume de la série des manuels de formation du CEDPA. Ce manuel est basé sur l’expérience qu’a acquise le CEDPA en développant les aptitudes dont ont besoin les dirigeants d’organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) pour promouvoir le changement dans le domaine de la santé reproductive. C’est une division du CEDPA, l’équipe de renforcement des capacités (Capacity Building Team), qui l’a mis au point, avec le soutien du Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Population (FNUAP). S’appuyant sur une méthode de formation participative, ce manuel présente les principes de base du plaidoyer sous la forme d’un atelier de trois jours.

Civicus toolkit on how organizations can produce their own media; Karen Hurt; Toolkit

Civicus toolkit on how organizaitons can promote themselves; Karen Hurt; Toolkit