Displaying 81 - 90 of 158

Formulaire qui décrit les indicateurs de performance, aide à planifier l’acquisition de données, l’analyse, l’examen et les rapports, les problèmes de qualité des données et les cibles - FRANÇAIS.

Imprimés d’une fiche de répartition du travail qu’un employé peut utiliser pour enregistrer son salaire, ses primes, ses déductions et la répartition des tâches (comprend un imprimé vierge et un exemple de fiche remplie) - FRANÇAIS.

Guide provides a framework for assessing the quality-strengths and weaknesses-of M&E training, which should be useful to governments, their donor partners and training organizations.

Document provides information to policy makers, managers, and their working groups on how to conduct an “objective” and systematic process for collecting and analyzing data about key health reform stakeholders.

Describes guidelines that are used by independent auditors in performing recipient-contracted audits required by USAID agreements with non-U.S. recipient organizations. These organizations are referred to as ""recipients"" or ""foreign recipients"" throughout the Guidelines. ""Agreements"" or ""awards"" are defined as USAID-funded grants, contracts, cooperative agreements and loans. The guidelines also provide recipients with help in selecting independent auditors to perform the audits.

Document describes Standard Form-269 on financial reporting and explains how to fill it out - ENGLISH.