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Analysis of the peace building potential of faith-based organizations.; Tsjeard Bouta, S. Ayse Kadayifci-Orellana, Mohammed Abu-Nimer; 2005

A eNewsletter descreve as etapas a seguir no encerramento das adjudicações e apresenta um cronograma que abrange as tarefas de encerramento a realizar nos 12 meses finais do seu projecto.

For Assessment & Design, Monitoring & Evaluation - 2003; This manual is aimed at improving international and local capacity to address gender-based violence (GBV) in refugee, internally displaced, and post-conflict settings. The tools are divided into three major categories: assessment; program design; and program monitoring and evaluation.

Document provides a comparative look at women’s political participation in specifiic countries as well as at the obstacles women confront in politics, and outlines 95 best practices to promote gender equality in party politics.

Report provides policymakers and other actors tackling the HIV/AIDS epidemic with an overview of the issues identified by older people and OVC, recommendations and examples from successful community-based programs that are improving the lives of older people and OVC.

Cette newsletter en deux volets décrit les exigences des audits annuels (volet 2).

eNewsletter describe los requisitos para las auditorías - Parte 2.

Ce numéro d’eNews décrit la marche à suivre pour clôturer un projet et propose un échéancier des tâches à effectuer pendant les 12 derniers mois du projet.

Un document d’information à l’intention des individus et des organismes qui veulent créer, renforcer ou maintenir un réseau de lutte contre le sida.; Rédaction : Bruce Waring, coordonnateur de la Coalition interagence sida et développement (CISD), avec la collaboration de Yolanta Cwik et de Richard Burzynski; 2002

Describes guidelines that are used by independent auditors in performing recipient-contracted audits required by USAID agreements with non-U.S. recipient organizations. These organizations are referred to as ""recipients"" or ""foreign recipients"" throughout the Guidelines. ""Agreements"" or ""awards"" are defined as USAID-funded grants, contracts, cooperative agreements and loans. The guidelines also provide recipients with help in selecting independent auditors to perform the audits.