Displaying 71 - 80 of 132

How to analyze different consultants to determine the best value for the project.

How to selection consultant based on lowest price having met the ""required"" criteria.

List of paperwork needed to hire a consultant

How to hire a consultant for more then $25,000 worth of work.

Work Order outlining Consultant's Tasks, Period of Performance and Deliverables.

Study by McKinsey & Company on Capacity-Building, including case studies, lessons learned, and an assessment tool.; McKinsey & Company; 2001; Study and Assessment Tool

A Final Report Template provided by NPI

A eNewsletter descreve os Fundos remanescentes e as Taxa de Consumo, e como calculá-los.

eNewsletter describe las responsabilidades adicionales para las organizaciones religiosas sin fines de lucro que trabajan con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos.