Displaying 61 - 70 of 169

Tabela para listar indicadores e seu critério – PORTUGUÊS.

Tomando como base un enfoque de capacitación participativa, este manual introduce los principios fundamentales de la defensa y promoción en el formato de un diseño de taller de tres días.

Sample delegated authority document – ENGLISH.

How to analyze different consultants to determine the best value for the project.

How to selection consultant based on lowest price having met the ""required"" criteria.

List of paperwork needed to hire a consultant

How to hire a consultant for more then $25,000 worth of work.

Work Order outlining Consultant's Tasks, Period of Performance and Deliverables.

Handout outlines types of expenses (e.g., vendor payment, travel advance, expense report, etc.) and the required documentation a organization needs to process these expenses.