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Форма отчетности о расходах и подачи запроса на аванс – на РУССКОМ языке.

В данном документе приведен образец таблицы расходов в разрезе месяцев и статей – на РУССКОМ языке.

Рекламный проспект «Важнейшие аспекты программы способных партнеров САР» с основными сведениями о программе – на РУССКОМ языке.

This chapter, details tasks and regulations involved in administrative management (disbursing USG funds, complying with procurement and developing a travel policy) and technical program management (monitoring and evaluation and knowledge management).

This is a sample of an organization's Financial and Accounting Procedures Manual and an appendix of associated forms.

The goal of this assessment is to assist orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programs in assessing the critical elements for effective program implementation, and identifying those elements that need strengthening or further development.

The goal of this assessment is to assist orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programs in assessing the critical elements for effective program implementation, and identifying those elements that need strengthening or further development.