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Document provides a comparative look at women’s political participation in specifiic countries as well as at the obstacles women confront in politics, and outlines 95 best practices to promote gender equality in party politics.

eNewsletter describe la diferencia entre gobernabilidad y gestión, y por qué es importante para el proyecto en general.

Document explores different approaches to the development of the private sector's role in the policy formulation, selection andimplementation process.

Document provides nonprofit CBO board and staff members with specific tools and resources for building an effective board. Specifically, the document will explore the roles and responsibilities of board members, focus on the difference between governance and management, examine the importance of board selection and composition and provide models for orientation and training of board members.

Le volume intitulé Plaidoyer: Développement d’aptitudes pour les dirigeants d’ONG est le neuvième volume de la série des manuels de formation du CEDPA. Ce manuel est basé sur l’expérience qu’a acquise le CEDPA en développant les aptitudes dont ont besoin les dirigeants d’organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) pour promouvoir le changement dans le domaine de la santé reproductive. C’est une division du CEDPA, l’équipe de renforcement des capacités (Capacity Building Team), qui l’a mis au point, avec le soutien du Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Population (FNUAP). S’appuyant sur une méthode de formation participative, ce manuel présente les principes de base du plaidoyer sous la forme d’un atelier de trois jours.

Civicus Toolkit on Strategic Planning; Janet Shapiro; Toolkit

Document contains the Legal Resources Center's analysis and plan for advocating the adoption of the rights-based approach to Action Aid Ghana (AAG).

Handbook identifies the ways in which women can impact political processes through their participation in decision-making bodies and presents knowledge and practical experience from all around the world.