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Provides a guide to the responsibilities of the employer, organization and the employee. It is a basic document guiding employer-employee relations, to be used in conjunction with specific job descriptions, individual contracts and other written documents and policies.

Sample Timesheet outlining hours worked, leave taken and projects charged.

NPI Close Out Meeting Session Three Handout on Sample Severance Letter

NPI Close Out Meeting Session Three Handout on Sample Recommendation Letter

Sample Job Description covering the main functions, duties and responsibilities, supervisor, and qualifications needed.

The Most Significant Change (MSC) technique is a participatory M&E approach that allows communities to share their learning in a way that is comfortable to them and allows project participants and implementers to learn together through project implementation.

Document assists frontline health workers in using the data collected at health facilities to solve common problems in service delivery and improve their response to community needs.

Document contains a literature review of experiences in participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) from around the world, used in different contexts and involving all stakeholders.

Describes policies that provide overall guidance and direction to staff and volunteers in regards to management and volunteer work. The policies are intended for internal management guidance only and are not a binding contractual or personnel agreement.

Manual offers guidelines for effectively recruiting, training and managing volunteers.