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Table lists commonly used terms for results statements used by different donor agencies and development organizations.

Sample delegated authority document – ENGLISH.

Handout outlines types of expenses (e.g., vendor payment, travel advance, expense report, etc.) and the required documentation a organization needs to process these expenses.

PowerPoint describes the concept of cost-sharing that is often involved in USAID grants and the benefits of creating public private partnerships - ENGLISH.

Spreadsheet is sample non-expendable equipment and inventory tracking sheet under a Grant or Cooperative Agreement - ENGLISH.

Offers NGO managers and organizers with a comprehensive and practical understanding of monitoring and evaluation. Although applicable to policies and programs as well, the approach is focused on projects. Monitoring and evaluation are connected to the broader topic of project management and to the more specific topic of project proposal writing.

Guide provides a framework for assessing the quality-strengths and weaknesses-of M&E training, which should be useful to governments, their donor partners and training organizations.

Document describes Standard Form-269 on financial reporting and explains how to fill it out - ENGLISH.

Sample sheet to track a project’s inventory - ENGLISH.