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Study by McKinsey & Company on Capacity-Building, including case studies, lessons learned, and an assessment tool.; McKinsey & Company; 2001; Study and Assessment Tool

Document describes the key functions that international social change networks perform as well as the challenges in assessing the abilities of a network.

A Final Report Template provided by NPI

eNewsletter describe las responsabilidades adicionales para las organizaciones religiosas sin fines de lucro que trabajan con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos.

This report presents an analytical framework to analyze institutional options for partnering community based organizations (CBOs) with local governments (LGs) in community driven development (CDD).

A eNewsletter descreve as etapas a seguir no encerramento das adjudicações e apresenta um cronograma que abrange as tarefas de encerramento a realizar nos 12 meses finais do seu projecto.

Document provides a comparative look at women’s political participation in specifiic countries as well as at the obstacles women confront in politics, and outlines 95 best practices to promote gender equality in party politics.

Ce numéro d’eNews décrit la marche à suivre pour clôturer un projet et propose un échéancier des tâches à effectuer pendant les 12 derniers mois du projet.