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Describes small group exercise on Organizational Development.

Toolkit to help organizers prepare for workshops/conferences.; This toolkit includes lists of activities and practical advice to help NGOs organize and run workshops and conferences. Templates are also included. Chapters include:A. Pre-workshop/conference B. During the workshop/conference C. Post-workshop/conference

Tool designed to enable organizations to identify the areas requiring further development and training.; Academy for Educational Development - Croatia; 2003

Project Design and Proposal Guidance for CRS Project and Program Managers

Matrix with tasks and responsible party

Document aims is to help civil society organizations build their capacity through better writing.

Toolkit describes tools you need to begin writing a proposal.

Report aims to raise the visibility of women’s peacebuilding activities at the national, regional and international levels by documenting and analysing them. It further seeks to identify how women peace activists and practitioners measure the impact of their work - both for their own internal goal-setting and planning purposes - and as a means of communicating their achievements and experiences to their stakeholders, among which are funding agencies - an important constituency.

Assessing Impact: Planning for Miracles -- Report on lessons learned from women peace activists and practitioners; Judy El Bushra with Ancil Adrian-Paul and Maria Olson; 2005