Displaying 11 - 20 of 34

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners giving an overview of procurement policies. 

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on how to meet USAIDs branding and marking requirements

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on gifts to lobbying of USG employees.

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on excluded parties and terrorism searches.

NPI Global Close Out Meeting Session Six Handout on Checklist for Closing Out an Office Administratively

Template for outlining the basic information about your organization and your award.

Report analyzes conflict potential in Central Asia and advocates a new strategy for peacebuilding in the region.

Conceptual framework of CDD, presentation of CDD projects, and assessment of impact.; Arne Strand, Hege Toje, Alf Morten Jerve, and Ingrid Samset; 2003

Participation in post-conflict environments in Timor-Leste and Rwanda; Sarah Cliffe, Scott Guggenheim, and Markus Kostner; 2003