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This resource focuses on the role of local philanthropy as a means to contribute to Financing Self Reliance, a key pillar of USAID's Journey to Self Reliance initiative.

The paper introduces the community philanthropy idea and other associated concepts that can help funders deliberately discuss and apply what we are calling a “community philanthropy approach” or “l

The review draws together information from existing reports, studies and organizational websites in order to provide an overview of the current state of organized community philanthropy around the

This Guide was developed to help program designers who work in any sector to envision and implement with CSO partners the CD support that will strengthen local systems and help CSOs achieve their missions. Program designers from both implementing partner and donor organizations who are working to build the capacity of CSOs can use this Guide to better distinguish among CD approaches, the processes involved in each, and potential impact of a chosen approach. By identifying organizational characteristics and areas of potential capacity growth, this Guide will enable program designers to better select the intervention necessary to achieve their desired goal. Although this Guide is designed to benefit CSOs, the approaches outlined can also be applied to community based organizations (CBOs) or local for-profit organizations. The approaches included in this Guide are designed to increase capacity regardless of the actual knowledge or skill targeted.  

Report analyzes conflict potential in Central Asia and advocates a new strategy for peacebuilding in the region.

Conceptual framework of CDD, presentation of CDD projects, and assessment of impact.; Arne Strand, Hege Toje, Alf Morten Jerve, and Ingrid Samset; 2003

Participation in post-conflict environments in Timor-Leste and Rwanda; Sarah Cliffe, Scott Guggenheim, and Markus Kostner; 2003

Document is a planning and management tool that can assist development and humanitarian organizations in analyzing situations of (potential) conflict and identifying strategic opportunities for conflict prevention and peace-building.

Document describes a joint USAID-PVO conference called Dialogue on Working in Conflict, in which USAID and PVO representatives discussed how to help the U.S. humanitarian and development communities be more effective in working in conflict settings.

Working paper on conducting monitoring and evaluation in refugee-related situations.; Georg Frerks and Dorothea Hilhorst