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Part Three, “Connecting with Donors,” of NPI's Going the Distance focuses on various communication modes with donors, such as developing and delivering elevator speeches, writing capability and systems (capacity) statements and connecting with donors.

Going the Distance: Step-by-Step Strategies to Foster NGO Sustainability is a training curriculum that offers practical strategies to help organizations plan and effectively navigate the ever-changing environments within which they operate.This is intended for organizations who are seeking guidance building a strong foundation for organizational sustainability. It is divided into the following three parts: Defining a Sustainable Organization, Mapping and Mobilizing Resources and Connecting with Donors.

TSR Training Standards Review

How to Engage Your Stakeholders in Designing, Monitoring and Evaluating Your Programs

The Training Management Manual is designed to assist NGOs and the trainers they work with to more effectively manage the design, delivery and evaluation of training programs, whether delivered in-house or externally. Capacity strengthening may seem a daunting task for an NGO since any such efforts must be directed toward improved performance and service delivery as an end result. This Manual is designed to serve as an essential tool, not only for administering individual training workshops but, in the larger context, for strengthening the capacity of NGOs to better respond to the needs of beneficiaries who depend on organizations such as yours.

 عشر خطوات أساسية لكسب التاييد وتحويل التحديات إلى حافز للتطور، مثل تحديد الهدف، وتثقيف النفس وتطويرها، وبناء الذات، وصياغة الرسالة وخطوات إرسالها ومراقبة تأثيرها

How to document a meeting and write a report on it.