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This collection of Implementation Tips for USAID Partners brings together 68 articles to support new partners, especially those who have little or no experience with USAID.

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners to learn how the human rights of older people at risk, and how can we protect their rights. This Implementation Tip was drafted by HelpAge USA.

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on how to recruit an effective, diverse, and inclusive board of directors.

Implementation Tip for USAID Partners on governance, management, and the role of the board of directors. 

Documents defines indirect costs and describes how indirect cost rates are established and where to find further information.

Tips paper explains what key informant interviews are, when it is appropriate to use them and the steps in conducting the interviews.

Tips paper describes what focus group interviews are, when they are useful and how to conduct one.

Tips paper provides practical advice about customer service assessments—when they should be conducted, what methods may be used and what information can be usefully included.